
The platform proposes you various offers
  • The « Multiple Reaction Monitoring»  (MRM) is a mass spectrometry tool which is highly specific, multiplex and sensitive for selectively quantify proteins in complex matrix.
  • What types of samples can be analyzed ?
    Blood, CSF, saliva, cell culture supernatants or cell culture,…
  • What services are available? We already have validated protein biomarker on the platform (Hepcidin, Apolipoprotein E, Tau protein, Orexin…).
    We can develop custom-made MRM method for any protein target.



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Targeted proteomics

  • The high-resolution mass spectrometry allows the identification and the characterization of many proteins in complex mixtures.
  • How many proteins can be identify from a biological sample?
    It depends on the complexity of the biological sample : for example, based on 200 ng of a tryptic digest of E. Coli culture, we can identify more than 3000 different proteins in a 1 hour LC-MS/MS run.
  • What types of samples can be analyzed ?
    Tissue, cell culture, cell supernatant, biological fluids…



High Throughput proteomics

  • The developed methods consist of the use of antibodies to detect specific proteins in biological samples. The PPC owns the latest high sensitive ELISA technology included protein multiplex quantification.
  • What types of samples can be analyzed ?
    All types of samples composed of proteins can be used for ELISA analysis.
  • What services are available?
    Many ELISA assays are available: biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease, Angiogenesis & Vascular, Bone Metabolism, Cardiac Biomarkers, Cytokines & Chemokines, Growth Factors, Inflammation, Intracellular Signaling or Liver Injury and many more…



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Immunological techniques

  • The detection of modified RNA by mass spectrometry is an innovative approach.
    We can detect several modified nucleoside in a 30 minutes LC-MS/MS run.
  • What types of samples can be analyzed?
    Biological fluid, cell culture, tissues…
  • What services are available ?
    We can develop custom method for any modified nucleoside or small molecules.





small molecules epitranscriptomics

Clinical Proteomics Platform

Institute for Regenerative Medicine & Biotherapy (IRMB)
Hôpital Saint Eloi
80 rue Augustin Fliche
34295 MONTPELLIER – Cedex 5

Plan d’accès


Phone : 04 67 33 04 20 
