The Blog
Follow all the news from the PPCA new doctoral student
We would like to introduce Pablo Mohaupt, a new PhD student who joins our team. As part of, Pablo will work on novel ideas and methods contributing to biomarker discovery in neurodegenerative diseases. His main focus is on mass spectrometric analytical...
COVID-19 study of the PPC
Thanks to the latest ELLA system, we are joining the fight against the COVID-19 virus for the Immuno-monitoring of patients. In partnership with the virology department, the PPC participates in the evaluation of the worsening clinical condition of patients in order to...
Teachers’ symposium
This Friday, February 28th, Professor Sylvain Lehmann and our PhD student Marie-Laure Pons were present at the teachers’ symposium "From Research to Clinic, Encounter on Neuroscience" at the New Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier. They had the opportunity to present...
The new interns have arrived!
Last week we were happy to welcome two new interns Salomé and Michelle, who will be part of our team for the upcoming time. Salomé Coppens is a M2 BIOTIN student. She will stay six months to work the development of a method of detection and localization of RNA...
Welcome Syrine
Dr. Syrine Dimassi, graduated with a PhD in materials chemistry and more specifically in the field of biopolymers and medical devices, joined our team a few months ago as a Temporary Teaching and Research Associate. She will develop a multiplex and targeted mass...
Monoclonal antibodies
Are you interested measuring the amount of monoclonal antibodies in human serum? We offer you nSmol: a sample preparation allowing to decrease the sample complexity before LC/MS quantitation of monoclonal antibodies. This method used a limited sample volume (5µL) and...
A new PhD student
A few weeks ago, Amandine Amalric has joined our team in order to perform a thesis in collaboration with IGH (Institute of Functional Genomics) as part of the SMART project (Mass Spectrometry of Total RNAs Modifications). Her thesis project is the identification of...
Proteo/Metabolomics Workshop
This morning our technical manager Jérôme Vialaret was present at Workshop of Proteomics/metabolomics on host-vector-pathogen interactions at Agropolis International in Montpellier. He had the opportunity to introduce our platform, namely our methods on the...
Doctor Jérôme Vialaret
Congratulations to our technical manager Jérôme Vialaret for his PhD in science entitled "Development and validation of innovative proteomic methods for clinical biochemistry applications"!
The open doors day
During the IRMB open doors on November 20, we had the opportunity to hear from Mrs Emilie BARDE (Director of Research and Innovation at the CHU de Montpellier), Mr Jacques MERCIER (Vise-President of Research at the Université de Montpellier) and Mr Jacques CAVAILLE...
CoENs Congress
Our first year doctoral student Marie-Laure Pons, in collaboration with Shimadzu Corporation, had the opportunity to present her thesis research project "mass spectrometry detection of synucleins and its isoformes in blood and CSF of patients with neurodegenerative...
ELRICH Congress
This Wednesday May 22nd, Jérôme Vialaret, our mass spectrometry engineer, was present to explain the automation of biological sample preparation with AssayMap Bravo at the ELRIGfr Congress (OMICS, DIAGNOSTIC & LAB AUTOMATION) in Montpellier. We would like to thank...
Thesis in progress
Marie-Laure Pons has join our team in order to perform a CIFRE PhD in collaboration with the SHIMADZU company. Her project is on the devolpment of innovative approaches by mass spectrometry to detect and quantify biomarkers of interest in neurodegenerative diseases...
A new machine!
Some of you may have recognized the SHIMADZU CORPORATION scotch! Thanks a lot to those who helped us opening this big box. We are proud to present our new Maldi-Tof: the AXIMA Assurance! Stay tuned, you will soon read more about the project for this mass spectrometer.
A surprise
Two weeks ago we received a huge parcel! But what was inside? A big fridge? A coffee machine? There are some hidden clues in the images...
Welcome Belgium
Jana Kindermans joined our team a few weeks ago. As a student in the Flemish province of Howest, her internship at the end of her bachelor's degree (4 months) focuses on the FoxIgA project (Analysis of glycosylation abnormalities in the renal impairment of Rheumatoid...
Laura and the Tau protein
At the beginning of February a new trainee engineer joins the platform: Laura Fichter for a Master 2 internship until the end of July. She will work on a project aiming at quantifying the Tau protein in neurodegenerative diseases, by mass spectrometry with our...
We are pleased to welcome at the beginning of 2019 a former BIOTIN intern, Aurore Attina, Mass Spectrometry Engineer for the SMART project (Mass Spectrometry of Changes in Total RNAs). The technological objective of this project, co-financed up to 1 million euros...

Clinical Proteomics Platform
Institute for Regenerative Medicine & Biotherapy (IRMB)
Hôpital Saint Eloi
80 rue Augustin Fliche
34295 MONTPELLIER – Cedex 5