Jan 11, 2021 | PPC -- EN
Étienne Mondesert is a medical biology intern at the Montpellier University Hospital, doing a Master 2 internship at our platform. His work focuses on mass spectrometry quantification and clinical evaluation of a biomarker in the context of Parkinson disease.
Dec 2, 2020 | Non classé
For the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), our assistant engineer Jana Kindermans made a scientific poster on the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease biomarker, namely plasma amyloid peptides. For the quantification of these plasma amyloid...
Nov 25, 2020 | PPC -- EN
Recently, our PhD student Marie-Laure PONS gave a presentation for her the thesis follow up committee. After one year of doing research and experimenting, her topic is beginning to take shape: the development of an innovative multiplex and targeted mass spectrometry...
Oct 30, 2020 | PPC -- EN
Very proud of the financial support of @IsiteMUSE for our new CoVIMOD project dealing with an exhaustive analysis of the modification landscape of viral and cellular RNAs in SARS-CoV2 infection and the study of their functional impact on virus replication and cell...
Sep 29, 2020 | PPC -- EN
Interested in using our numerous skills and techniques to analyse your samples? This workflow explains exactly how we work. For more information, check our website ppc-montpellier.com or contact us directly! #massspectrometry #proteomic...